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theory of constitution中文是什么意思

用"theory of constitution"造句"theory of constitution"怎么读"theory of constitution" in a sentence


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  • In addition , the theory of constitution of crime is in great need of perfection
  • The author anticipate future of constitutionlism building in china and proof theory of constitution chang , recruitment and explanation . at the same time
  • So , this article studies the theory of anticipated possibility in order to perfect the theory of constitution of crime and criminal legislation and to direct criminal judiciary
  • The article consists of the preface , general theory of constitution litigation , comparison of constitution in our country with system in foreign countries , construction and perfection of system of constitution in our country , and conclusion
  • In continental law system or anglo - american law system , the series of acts that are not constitute crimes such as justifiable defense , act of rescue and so on , are studied within the theories of constitution of crimes
  • It begins from the cause of the condiction . after that , the author studies the subjective malignant " function and value in three parts : principle of unity of subject and object ; the progress of the theory of constitution of crime and the theory of criminal liability . at last , the author links the theory with practice
  • Part 4 : the location of crime obstructed in our criminal theories . the author consider that since all the crimes obstructed ought to be studied within the constitution of crime , the relation between the theories of crime obstructed and the theories of constitution of crime ought not to be coordinate or parallel , but to be including and included
  • In the introduction , the article is explaining the practical significance of the research of classifying administrative acts . because the types of administrative acts influence the types of judgments , and the constitutions of administrative acts decide the classification of the types of acts , it is necessary by using the theory of constitution to classify the administrative acts
  • Establishing principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime , the constitutive elements of a crime stipulated in the criminal law is the sole legal basis of conviction , so we ought to research them in the angle of constitution of crimes . based on our current theories of constitution of crimes , in this thesis , the author detailed studied the series of acts both prescribed in the criminal law and wide - recognizied in the academic circles , and proved that in which element they did not accord with the constitution of a crime
用"theory of constitution"造句  
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